We decided, in order not to triple from all this our rehabilitation, to get out somewhere from time to time. Usually we are all taken to the sea on our only day off (Sunday), but sometimes the driver doctor has business and is busy. And it is not very convenient to go there on your own, it is better to go somewhere else, the more the sea bothers, to lie there like a seal every time.
Last time we got out ride a bike for a couple of hours, and this time they decided to move to the main resort of Hainan - to the city of Sanya.
Failed trip to Sanya
The calculation was simple: we arrive in the evening, walk a little, try food in a cafe, spend the night and the next day we move to the center of Nanshan Buddhism, it is located outside the city. We walk in Nanshan for half a day and return to Sanya, from where to Lingshui by the same route. I even decided to shoot a video, try myself again as a video blogger. However, from the very beginning, everything did not go quite like that..
Firstly, Egor was as if stung from the very beginning. He, of course, is rarely calm, but then something completely got through him. And we had to first get by car to the railway station in Lingshui (our masseur took it), then by train to Sanya (25 minutes), and then by bus to the area with the hotel. You won't really relax, in the end, a kind of action turned out 🙂
We ride the train, grabbing everyone's attention
On the train they offer food and drinks
There is hot water at the railway station, apparently for local doshirak
Secondly, I did not quite take into account that in China the GPS coordinates are somehow very cleverly shifted (plus the regular and satellite Google maps are shifted relative to each other). More precisely, I knew this, and therefore, as the smartest, I looked at the location of the hotel on a satellite map in RoomGuru, and not on the usual one. If you look at an ordinary one, then there are some of the hotels right in the sea and it ruined me, I thought that it was the usual map that was wrong 🙂 As it turned out, the point should be looked at on a regular map (well, apparently, except for those hotels that were in the sea) and do not use the coordinates provided by Google for this point. In general, when we walked along a completely different street and asked passers-by (it's good that I guessed a printout from the booking in Chinese to print and take) where our hotel was, the Chinese helped us, who were driving by on a moped. They brought it to the hotel itself, although it was on a completely different street.
The hotel gave out a business card - yeah, everything is very clear 🙂
By the way, the hotel turned out to be cool: location, cleanliness, price, and even taking into account the course is cheap. And we especially liked our room, as I call it, in the Japanese style. The mattresses are almost on the floor (on the podium), and a low table, at which you can only sit on pillows (my review of a hotel in Sanya). And also near the hotel there are many cafes, into one of which we wandered, such a small eatery with Muslim food. All 4 dishes were delicious. True, my salad, which I ordered from the picture (here only poke at pictures in China), turned out to be hot and half-baked potatoes. Interesting combination.
We try to eat quietly, but it doesn't work out very well
In the foreground, half-baked but hot potatoes - very tasty!
Thirdly, Yegor got sick, so in the morning, when we woke up, we decided to score on Nanshan and return back to Lingshui. We got to the sea, took a couple of pictures, caught a taxi, drove to the station and came back. That's the whole trip 🙂 Despite this, something so many pleasant impressions remained ...
Bus stop - a foreigner needs to know Chinese
The guy performs acrobatic stunts
On the streets of Sanya
Russian inscriptions are not uncommon in Sanya
Chinese people play something
Balcony decoration
In Sanya, for some reason, many windows are covered with bars.
It's nice when trees grow on the street
These round bricks are heated outside and then carried to the kitchen.
The Miracle of Chinese Thought
Electronic library in Sanya
Beach in Sanya - Sanya Bay
Swimming is not recommended here
Cool hotel on the island, flashing different lights at night
The embankment is dominated by pensioners - these are playing cards
Retirees sing
Retirees dance
Of course, many people do not mind taking pictures.
We gathered a whole crowd around us - one of the Chinese women spoke English
Sanya City - expensive along the coast
Fourthly, I realized that the Sony a6000 + 18-105 bundle is completely unsuitable for video shooting. This big bandurina dangles around his neck and strives to constantly bang on Yegor's head or break on some metal handrail. It will be difficult to explain why this is happening, it is necessary to see how we move))) Egor wanders from hand to hand, from sling to stroller, that is, he must be intercepted all the time. In general, the fotik on the neck is terribly in the way. And if you put it in your backpack, then you will get the figs. Therefore, the idea appeared to buy some alternative to Go Pro (cheaper) so that it would be stupid in your pocket, or even attached to the wrist (without fear of losing or damaging someone) or to the strap of a backpack.
Recommend an action camera
Advise, pliz, models of action cameras. For me, this is a completely new device, before that I shot video with cameras, but I understand that they are not suitable for this in my case. How once switched to mirrorless from DSLR, so now it's time to buy a special camera.