The Dolmen farm - our trip to the Bambakov estate

To visit the Gelendzhik region and not go somewhere to the dolmens? This is not about us. Of course, I would also go on a hike, but there was no company and did not want to leave my own people for a few days. Daria really wanted to Revival initially, but there is now such a movement already (although only June is in the yard), such a place has become promoted, a little sorry. Therefore, we decided to go to the farm «Dolmen», which is located near the Doguab river, not reaching a few kilometers to Pshada, this is if you go from Gelendzhik.

I mentioned this place in the article Dolmens of Gelendzhik and a map of dolmens, but I didn’t write about him directly, although I’ve been here several times. The thing is that before I did not have a camera, and without photographs I see no reason to write such an article..

The content of the article

The territory of the economy

Unlike other places, dolmens here are located in a heap and not far from the entrance, and for a cursory inspection you will need no more than half an hour. Those who are not prone to physical exertion and long walks may like this. And we managed to walk here for three hours. True, we had a small snail with us, which definitely needed to crawl to its fullest. I will not tell you where which dolmen is located, you can easily find it, there are also signs there. The place is civilized, with trash bins, a cafe, an artificial waterfall, funny wooden figures, a free toilet.

One of the forest paths

Egor wanders from parent to parent

Signs at the Dolmen farm

On a branch of a squirrel, something is hamster

The snail crawled stubbornly uphill, overcoming root by root

Learning to walk

What kind of mushroom to choose ...

Funny wooden figures

The girl has something like a mouth guard in her mouth.

Funny wooden figures

Free toilet, yeah!

Dolmens Maya, Khan, Tenderness and Thor

About, what are dolmens, I also wrote, there are different theories. Many names were given by modern people, so to speak, the first who felt something here and began to present it as the truth. Maya helps in love, Khan gives physical and mental health, Thor helps in success and finding oneself, and Tenderness is associated with motherhood and the health of children. What dolmens actually give, no one knows, and if they give at all. I personally just like to walk in the forest and have the opportunity to touch the ancient stones, which are not just old, but man-made and related to people. So many generations have changed, and these megaliths are still standing. How many hands have touched them over the years, thousands?

Let's all touch the ancient stones together

Dolmen Tenderness

Dolmen Maya

Dolmen Khan

Dolmen Thor

Message to tourists

Once such a story happened to the Khan dolmen. More precisely, not with him, but with us, then still young guys (it was in 2006). At that time, we often visited dolmens, were fond of esotericism and other things. And one of us was still fond of linguistics. So, it was interesting for us to turn the words around and see what happens. Having appeared at the Khan dolmen, we also turned over its name and laughed together. Only a little later, when we were going to go to our tent camp (on Jan), it turned out that the bus had just left. Well, we are advanced, we tried hitchhiking, but no one takes it. We decided to go on foot, and this is, after all, 16 km, including a long pass. But it's okay to walk on foot, it's not very difficult, albeit unpleasant in the night, so dogs in the village of Mikhailovsky Pass got into the habit of attacking us. They ran straight onto the road and rushed. It's good that we had a flashlight with us, we turned it on in a blinking mode, thereby blinding the animals for a while, while we ourselves backed down the road. I remember that I suffered through the fear then ... As a result, we somehow reached the camp and since then, I began to treat dolmens more respectfully, so that they do not represent themselves. And I am still so afraid of Khan :)

Doguab river

For those who are tired of the heat, there is an opportunity to swim in the river. Moreover, I think you can do it naked, because rarely does anyone go there. There are two rivers, in fact, the farm is located in the interfluve. If you go along a dirt road, then after 300 meters it will lead to the Doguab River. And if you go not according to the signs, but to the left through the orchard, then right behind the pond you can get to the Pshada River.

Horse rides in heaven

Growing garden

For some reason it seems to me that this pond used to be blue

The road to the river is a little muddy

So, what is there again with Yegor?

Mountain river invigorates

How to get there and entrance fees

What else to see in Gelendzhik
Where to stay in Gelendzhik - a selection of hotels

The standard entrance costs 150 rubles per person and 50 rubles per child 6-12 years old. I am not entirely a supporter of charging a fee for viewing cultural and historical treasures that belong to everyone. But given how our Russian people love to litter and destroy, someone needs to look after the territory and clean it up. So this can be considered an environmental fee, although, of course, this is a controversial topic. Especially, considering how many people come to the dolmens, it was already possible to improve the ecology of the whole Krasnodar..

The official website is, I'm afraid if this land had not been rented, then perhaps these dolmens would not have been there now.

The farm is located before reaching Pshada, if you go from Gelendzhik. On the right, on the hillock, you will see a large shield with the inscription Dolmen, and there will also be a gate and a parking lot near it. Buses that go from the old bus station in the center of Gelendzhik stop near this place. The bus needs the one that goes to Pshada, Arkhipo-Osipovka or Betta.

Dolmen Shield by the Road

Tax Collector's Booth

Bus schedule:
Gelendzhik-Pshada: 6-00; 8-20; 11-30; 14-00; 17-15
Pshada-Gelendzhik: 7-10; 9-30; 12-40; 15-10; 18-25
Gelendzhik-Arkhipo-Osipovka: 6-40; 7-40; 10-00; 12-00; 12-40; 14-25; 16-00; 17-40; 18-50; 19-30
Arkhipo-Osipovka - Gelendzhik: 6-20; 8-20; 9-20; 12-30; 13-35; 14-30; 16-10; 17-35; 19-20; 21-00
Gelendzhik-Betta: 5-10; 14-40
Betta-Gelendzhik: 7-00; 16-35

Hitchhiking also goes well on this section of the road, we have ridden here many times, usually it is faster than the bus turns out. Well, except the time Han taught us a lesson. And my advice to you, come to such places on your own. All sorts of legends and tales about the origin of dolmens can be read on the Internet, they are still not remembered, but to stay as long as you need, with an ordinary organized group, it will not work out, there is a non-stop mode.

On the map

Farm farm Dolmen

Farm farm Dolmen
Dolmens Thor, Khan, Maya (Love), Tenderness. More details

Dolmens Thor, Khan, Maya (Love), Tenderness. More details