From Vang Vieng to Ventiane by kayak and 10m cliff jump

We have been thinking for a long time to try to go on a water trip to Karelia, but in this venture I was alarmed by the fact that it would be permanently wet and cold. And I said to myself that before deciding on such a bold step for me, I must try what it is, in warm countries, where it is not so scary to get wet and even turn over. Therefore, she persuaded Oleg to return from the glorious town Vang Vieng in capital of Laos in an unconventional way, but kayaking. An advertising daddy with photos in one of the travel agencies beckoned with an inviting inscription «One day rafting from Vang Vieng to Vientiane», promising in some places a difficult route and offering a stop for lunch, swimming and jumping off the cliff into the water along the way. This pleasure cost us 180,000 bales (700 rubles) per person, but we were asked not to give this figure to our fellow travelers, and the agency's employees managed to cut off 250,000 bales (960 rubles) per person from them..

In the end, the promised «alloy» turned out to be not an alloy at all. At least, it did not last the whole day, as promised, but only an hour before lunch and an hour after. Most of the time, we were simply driven in a local pickup truck to the place of launching, and after the rafting - to the very capital of Laos. Moreover, for the second part of the journey, which lasted more than two hours, eleven people pushed us into the local route, and we, sitting almost on each other's heads, shook along the dusty road. That is, most of the time we were not actually rafting, but driving along the road! Now, if all this time sailing along the river, it would be just fabulous!

On the roads of Laos

On the roads of Laos

Modern gas station in Laos

Modern gas station in Laos

Unloading kayaking equipment

Unloading kayaking equipment

The rafting itself and all our short-term stay on the river I really liked, despite the wet bottom and the oversized life jacket resting on the chin. It took some time, of course, to figure out how to act in a coordinated manner in order to quickly turn the kayak when the current carries it to the stones, but everything went smoothly and wonderful, we never even turned over, although our fellow Canadians could not resist this temptation.

From Vang Vieng to Ventiane by kayak

From Vang Vieng to Ventiane by kayak

From Vang Vieng to Ventiane by kayak

From Vang Vieng to Ventiane by kayak

Who do you think rowed the most?

Who do you think rowed the most?

Someone freaked out while rowing

Someone freaked out while rowing

And the views! What amazing views we swam!

From Vang Vieng to Ventiane by kayak

From Vang Vieng to Ventiane by kayak

From Vang Vieng to Ventiane by kayak

From Vang Vieng to Ventiane by kayak

Someone does not care about housing at all

Someone does not care about housing at all

Neighborhoods on the road from Vang Vieng to Ventian

Neighborhoods on the road from Vang Vieng to Ventian

Livestock in the vicinity of Vang Vieng

Livestock in the vicinity of Vang Vieng

Before lunch, our rafting lasted only an hour, on the way we fearlessly overcame two rapids interesting for beginners and enthusiastically observed the amazing local nature, rocky shores, lush vegetation. Special daredevils were offered to jump, I would even say, to jump, from a ten-meter cliff into the water, I did not dare, but Oleg tried. It was scary to look at it from the outside, and Oleg says that it is scary, but interesting, a kind of challenge to himself. Only because he was looking down where he was flying, he landed not very well and hit hard on his face and chest.

Oleg: When offered, I immediately agreed so dashingly. Downstairs, it’s never scary. And he went upstairs and realized that he was ready to climb back down with his legs. But on the other hand, fears must be overcome. I'm not afraid of heights, rather it was scary to fall wrong. And apparently I thought about it so hard that when I jumped, I stayed looking at the water. The last thought, now there will be water on your face 🙂 The photo turned out, of course, very funny. And I understand perfectly well that if you practice and jump from low heights, then everything will work out.

Diving off a cliff

Our instructor was the first to jump off the cliff

Diving off a cliff

And this is Oleg diving

Diving off a cliff

Oleg could not help but look where he was flying

The increased attention of our instructor was pleasant, who monitored every boat at all difficult places, and at a halt prepared everyone to have lunch over the fire. Ah, those French baguettes in Laos! After lunch, we, slowly, rafted for about an hour, on this our water route ended, disappointing us with its short duration. But we made the main conclusion for ourselves - we liked to raft and now we definitely want to go on a full-fledged water trip!

Halt for lunch

Halt for lunch

Our instructors prepare a delicious lunch for us

Our instructors prepare a delicious lunch for us

Here is our delicious lunch

Here is our delicious lunch

How quickly it was over

How quickly it was over