Temple on Mount Khao Tao and the best beach in Hua Hin Sai Noi
I continue to write about the sights of Hua Hin, this time completely pop, this is not for you mountain of bats or Black woman<.htmla>. However, their visit can be quite interesting for not yet experienced travelers, given that the temple on the mountain is not quite ordinary. And the beach next to this mountain is generally considered one of the best in the vicinity..
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Khao Tao Beach
Moving from Hua Hin, we first drive past the eponymous Khao Tao beach. It is sandy, uncrowded, in some places it seems to be abandoned at all. I doubt that foreigners often swim here, rather locals. And so nothing worse than on the city hua hin beach.

Khao Tao Beach and Khao Takiab Mountain is visible in the distance

Except the locals, there is nobody else here

Sign on the shore with the name of the street

Near Khao Tao Mountain there is a lake where fishing is popular
Barracks near Khao Tao
Mount Khao Tao and Big Buddha
Mount Khao Tao and temple (Wat Tham Khao Tao)
Next, we come to the mountain with a large statue of Buddha on its top. Initially, I thought that the mountain and the mountain, what is there to see (by the way, Khao in translation is a mountain). But walking along narrow paths, going up and down the next staircase, occasionally casting a glance at the sea surface, I didn't really want to leave. Yes, there are a lot of things that are not real, in fact, the entire territory of the temple was rolled up with concrete, but they did it quite nicely. I caught myself thinking that a thirst for exploration had awakened in me, and I just wanted to walk up each ladder to see where it would lead me. Here, however, somehow everything on Khao Tao is cozy and compact like a toy. If I had my own personal mountain, I would probably also have made a similar anthill out of it with passages and houses.
Inside an artificial cave
Inside an artificial cave
Mini waterfall and fish
Resting place overlooking the Gulf of Thailand
Ladder somewhere up
Another one
The turtle also admires the scenery
In one of the back streets
How well the tree fit into their buildings
Top view of ladders and houses
Another path through the jungle
We wander around the temple - a typical tree with ribbons
Big Buddha at the very top of Khao Tao
Khao Tao Beach is perfectly visible from here
If you are not lazy and climb to the very top, then a path will go into the thicket of trees, which leads to the very top (it will not take long, 5 minutes). It is a rounded rock overlooking the sea and Sai Noi beach below. Actually, you can't go down to the beach from here (you can, but not worth it), a separate path leads to it. And you know who I met on it when I went downstairs? Two lizards the size of crocodiles! I don't know who was more frightened by the surprise, but we shied away together in different directions..
Beach path signpost
Almost at the top
Big Buddha below
Sai Noi beach below
Mount Khao Tao with a temple on the map:
Temple on Mount Tao (Khao Tao)
Temple on Mount Tao (Khao Tao)
A hill on the shore with a Chinese temple, a giant gilded Buddha and many statues. Behind the hill is the best beach in Hua Hin - Sai Noi
Read about the place
A hill on the shore with a Chinese temple, a giant gilded Buddha and many statues. Behind the hill is the best beach in Hua Hin - Sai Noi.
Sai Noi Beach
As I already wrote, this beach is the best in the vicinity of Hua Hin, so many settle nearby and ride a bike there. The areas around are very calm, but right next to the beach there are very few housing, not a city after all. To me personally, Sai Noi Beach seemed like some kind of island beach, because it is surrounded by rocks, around the jungle, houses are almost invisible. As a rule, on the mainland beaches, everything is flat and the nature is dull. I compare with the city beach of Hua Hin, beaches in Pattaya and Bang Saen. So once you are here, you can completely forget that you are on the mainland..
Sai Noi beach - well, not an island?
Sand mixed with shells
Cacti near the shore
Sai Noi Beach
However, everything is not always as good as in the pictures on the Internet. On my arrival, there was just a ton of garbage on the beach, both natural and artificial. And the water was muddy and not at all turquoise, in general, not a bounty even once. All this I mean is that bounty / non-bounty often depends on the weather: it will be clear and without storms - get a landscape from the picture, but no - get the Black Sea :) Although the latter also happens sometimes, oh, how beautiful.
If you look from a different angle, we see garbage
Where is
You can get to the Sai Noi beach both along the path from the Big Buddha, descending from Khao Tao Mountain, and along the usual asphalt road. If you go by bike from the temple, then there is right around the mountain and along the lake there is a path-path, it is clearly visible on google maps. Or you can go on the other side of the lake, there should be a better road. And if you have time, then after the beach you can drive a little further along the highway and see park with mangroves.
Sai Noi Beach
Sai Noi Beach
Sai Noi is the best beach around Hua Hin. It is in no way inferior to island beaches, which is why it is so loved by locals and winterers.
Read about the beach.
Sai Noi is the best beach around Hua Hin. It is in no way inferior to island beaches, which is why it is so loved by locals and winterers Read about the beach.
P.S. If you are planning to come to Hua Hin for a short time and are thinking about looking for accommodation, we have articles about budget guesthouse and Hua Hin budget hotel. Search more hotels in Hua Hin you can follow this link.