Recently I looked at the statistics of queries on the Internet for a word «Thailand» and saw that everything sagged more than twice. It is not surprising, the main bonus «cheapness» now it refers more to Russia than to foreign countries. And as I understood, story about Yakutia, everyone liked it too. Although the place is not at all budgetary, and even horrible how cold it is. It may well be that Sochi and Crimea will become a new wintering trend. I hope I will go there and scout out the situation, the places are familiar, but we have never seriously considered wintering places..
Another option for wintering, but for an amateur, can be houses in the village or ecovillages. Most likely, this is suitable only for introverts, or for those who already have friends there. The other day I went to see my friends in the Slavnoye settlement and saw how they live and what they do..
Winter Glorious
About summer Glorious I already wrote, everything is fine there and not boring. There are a lot of people, children run and play, some events are arranged. And, of course, nature is all around, the sun is shining, a spring with clean water is nearby, an artificial pond where you can swim, a pine and birch forest where you can go mushrooming or just think. And, this is in addition to activities on the site itself, related to the arrangement of everything and everyone, for example, building a house or other buildings, growing vegetables and fruits. Well, this is for those, of course, who like it.
It takes about 10 minutes from the highway to the settlement
The road to the 5th field, this is where our friends live
But in winter, the picture changes to the opposite, so such a place, as I said, is more suitable for introverts who are capable of falling into hibernation or head first into the implementation of their virtual projects (Internet business). In principle, it's high time, because in the summer there will be business, hoo, try everything in 5 warm months! Our friends are doing just that, home improvement work has been suspended, and they are completely busy with their freelance and newly born child. In the settlement, they spend the winter a week in a week, leaving for Moscow. In principle, when the house is completed, the need for frequent trips to Moscow will disappear, because there will be enough comfort, and there is a supermarket in Pushchino, like the rest of civilization (well, or you can go to Serpukhov).
The house of our friends, inside was not allowed to shoot normally, they say, a mess
On the second floor, where there is no mess
Great view from the window, stimulate to work or write a memoir
And this is the house of our other friends, but along the way they move to Sochi
In winter, Glorious practically dies out. As far as I understand, about 20 families are wintering now and their number is not growing very much from year to year. Therefore, driving through the settlement, it seems that there is no one here at all. And given that the plots are 1-3 hectares, the houses are lost in such a huge space, become invisible to the eye. This is not a summer cottage partnership with 6 hundred parts, where everything is on top of each other. And one of the fields is so generally covered with forest, and with all the desire, you cannot see anything behind a living wall of trees, either in winter or in summer..
Actually, this is how Glorious looks like - trees and houses
There is no one, only houses stick out sporadically
The houses are completely different, there are cottages, and there are very small ones, including some adobe
Another house
One of the domes, unfinished
Somehow it was the case, my family and I lived for a couple of weeks in Slavnoye at the end of spring and I described all our delights. And he also told about settler's life. We then lived with our friends who were leaving for Sochi (trying to move), and we lived in their place. It’s very cool as a one-time promotion, but we wouldn’t dare to do it permanently, because I wanted more comfort. So since then, Glorious has acquired a good all-season road and normal electricity instead of an alternative one. Therefore, comfort is now much easier to organize. And then it was possible, it's just that now it's all cheaper and is already available to everyone. It's one thing to buy solar panels with wind turbines, another thing is just a socket with wires. Well, in general, there are much less troubles now, you don't need to start the generator or something like that..
All-season road to Slavnoe
The road to the 5th field
Even in winter, you can walk with a stroller, before it was mess
P.S. Despite the love for Southeast Asia and the desire to go abroad in general, we are still considering such an option for ourselves, because if we are to live here, then we would definitely like to be in a house and closer to nature for at least part of the year.
P.P.S. There are settlements all over Russia, including the Krasnodar Territory. I suppose it would be more pleasant to spend the winter there in terms of climate 🙂