How we prepared for the first winter in Thailand
We told everyone around that we do not like the cold. Somehow it so happened that the winter vacation did not fall, and we are indifferent to winter sports, so we sat at home and did not show our nose out..
And due to the fact that at the moment we are not tied to the city, the thought came, why not try to spend the winter in warm regions. So to speak, become like migratory birds, because it is not just that crowds of fat ducks rush south. At the same time, to check whether our dislike for winter is so strong, maybe in a couple of months we will win from longing for snow-white snowdrifts.
We doubted for a long time, but said and done. Tickets are purchased (I advise you to use and, and immediately after France we are flying to Thailand for the winter. There are no return tickets, so maybe we'll be back sooner..
Preparing for Thailand took a lot of time, as it was superimposed on preparing for a trip to France, despite the fact that the blog also had a lot of things to do..
All information for wintering in Thailand is collected in our information FAQ Winter in Thailand. If you have any questions about any topic, then first of all look there..
What needed to be done:
- Buy tickets to Thailand and from there to Malaysia for a visa.
- Read a bunch of information about Thailand, find an apartment.
- Make a plastic card for Alfa-Bank and connect Internet banking for a savings card.
- Go to WebMoney and Yandex to get personal certificates.
- Change a regular computer and an old laptop for a modern laptop and netbook, buy a new lens, and some things for travel.
- Carry out a small sale of things.
- Find a person who will live for some bribe in our apartment.
- Gather friends for a farewell meeting.
- And much more, which is now difficult to remember.
In general, I had to run to catch everything in a short month. Tickets Moscow - Bangkok bought for 12,500 rubles per person one way with a strange transit in Cairo. It's the other way, first fly! We also ordered tickets Bangkok - Kuala Lumpur and back in order to get a visa after the 30-day Thai stamp expires, since in Moscow it is enough to get this visa (actually turned out to be easy).
Friends helped us with the sale, basically everything went to them, they sold something, gave something away. This, by the way, turned out to be a good idea. My wife and I have a rule that if a thing has not been used for more than a year, it means that it is not needed and must be returned. However, people also have a habit of taking something they don't need if it's free. Therefore, if you sell by setting a symbolic price, then a person will take a thing when he really needs it..
Small sale of things.
Once in my childhood, after watching films about hackers, I dreamed of having a computer with a large number of monitors, and for several weeks my dream came true when new computers were bought and old ones had not been sold yet..
Blogger workplace.
The only thing we miss on our trips is our relatives and friends. What a pity that you can't take the whole company with you. This is especially true for long trips. And it was so nice to get together in a big company before leaving..
Our friends.
Not the end, but only the beginning
So, we are leaving for the winter in Thailand, in Chiang Mai, this is in the north of the country, in a non-resort part, where there is no sea or ocean, but there is real Thai life. Accommodation there is very cheap, even with the rental of housing, and this will allow us to buy more time from the system. Well, about the impressions and experiences I have received, I generally keep quiet..
I hope you enjoy our stories from the eastern part of the world and you will stay with us until we return to Russia. Here is our RSS feed for those who haven't subscribed yet..