Insanely difficult 2012 - revelations and results

All with the come! I will not write banal congratulations, and even more so words about how great everything is, but it will be even better - there is enough of this good in the network. Indeed, what to hide, it was an insanely difficult year for us, and most likely, nothing like this has ever happened in our life. However, I do not refuse my words about striving for a dream. But one thing became clear to me, that the most important thing is faith! As long as it is there, everything is fine, and if it is not there, write lost. You can fall as many times as you want and hit painfully, you can fall into depression and get upset as much as you want, but if you have faith, sooner or later you will come where you were going. Therefore, I can only wish that if something does not work out for you, if circumstances are stronger than you, if sometimes you give up, then find the strength to believe in yourself, in the world and in the people around you, and everything will work out! Let not now, let later, but certainly!

Here is my strange wish for the new year :)

And in general, not traditionally (I have never done this publicly before) I want to sum up the results of the past year, which was good, bad, important and not so much. I remember that I wrote earlier in a similar vein only about what I achieved in terms of blogging, about all sorts of TICs, the number of comments and other indicators. Now it's not all that interesting anymore, so let's leave that aside. The only thing that I will write after a while is the actual finstrip, otherwise the last was over a year ago. Perhaps this motivates someone to blogging :)

The content of the article

Egor Olegovich aka Tilipulkin / Lapulik / Vygibushek and others

Naturally, the main event of 2012 for us is the birth of our son Yegor. Almost exactly a year ago, this little man burst into our life and turned it upside down, so that we still have not woken up. But the most important thing is that we cope with sin in half, we stayed together and love our petty troublemaker very much. I am surprised by the unhealthy tendency in Russia, that even during pregnancy or in the maternity hospital, doctors «advise» abandon children if not everything is in order with them, and that husbands leave when they find out that the child is disabled. Well, okay, this is a completely different topic ...

The insanely difficult 2012 was brightened by Yegor's smiles

The insanely difficult 2012 was brightened by Yegor's smiles

The insanely difficult 2012 was brightened by Yegor's smiles

The insanely difficult 2012 was brightened by Yegor's smiles

Of course, we were completely unprepared for such turns of fate, either morally, financially or physically. I am sure that any children change the life of their parents quite strongly, but for some reason such a child came to our family, which had a dozen sews in the ass, who makes us sit in one place, which is like death for me personally. Someday we will understand why it was necessary, but for now we will just live.

I'm watching you ...

To say that it was hard is to say nothing. There is a feeling that from time to time we were at the limit of our physical and moral abilities, falling into despondency, depression and disbelief in nothing. But this limit was constantly shifting, giving an understanding that, it turns out, a person can do so much. Yes, yes, there are those whose situation is much worse than ours, so I am ready to erect a monument to them in general, God forbid anyone and never know what it might be like. I look back a few years and ask myself a question - «We once had problems?» Now it is so obvious that no, we never had them, we rolled like cheese in butter. And when we now look at the parents of ordinary children, it seems to us that it is so easy for them ... «When my child falls asleep for a couple of hours, during this time I manage to do so much» - we only dream about this, two hours of free time is fantastic! Of course, from the outside there is always more caviar on someone else's sandwich, but we are looking forward to when Yegor begins to sleep normally, and we, accordingly, too. Anyway, we wait until it becomes even a little easier..

Is life too easy for you? Then we go to you!

By the way, the most valuable resource is time. Money, apartments, cars, all this is dust, but time is running out irrevocably. Why, a person needs to lose something in order to begin to appreciate it. Sitting and watching a movie together is already for happiness, but once I could have 10 seasons in a month «Friends» swallow :)

So, at what stage is the situation with Egor? We ourselves do not know, and along the way, no one knows. We do not have a final diagnosis, although we consult 4 neurologists at the same time. True, one of us intimidated us very much, they say development for only 3 months, and in general only a miracle will save you, otherwise it will be crap, but something we don't believe him, more faith in the other three, which more or less coincide in opinions. In principle, the lack of clarity is not surprising, it goes through our whole life, everything is not like with humans. Doctors are in no hurry to draw conclusions and agree only that we definitely have serious neurological problems and developmental delays that need to be treated with medication and massages. Moreover, our hearing and our vision depend on neurology for us (yes, vision is also not quite all right). Therefore, we still wear hearing aids (and we are in no hurry to be examined for cochlear implantation surgery), give injections and almost every day a masseuse comes to crumple our little body..

Some people ask us, wouldn’t it be better for you to go where you feel good yourself, meaning Asia and life by the ocean. Like, where the parents feel good, the child will feel good there. True, we think about it often, but we don't want to risk it. We are not sure that this will really help in any way. If the child was ordinary (or at least an accurate diagnosis), we probably would not be so afraid to experiment. But, as soon as we feel an intuitive desire that it is time to leave, we will do so. In the meantime, we are just talking about a trip for a month, for the sake of a change of scenery and relaxation..


Very few of our travels together happened. These were mainly trips to various estates of the Moscow region and ecovillage. Single trips, too, can be counted on one hand - trip to Crimea, Beautiful Sword, yes my trip to Asia (Hong Kong-Macau-Thailand) for two months, in which I wound thousands of kilometers.

Summer trips to estates

Yegor's first overnight stay in a tent

Summer trips to estates

Most of all, of course, I remember our route with a group in the north of Thailand. It was a completely new experience for me, and I am very glad that everything worked out in the end. Now I know that taking into account all the points about which I drew conclusions after this trip, I will be able to study in groups, if there is such an opportunity in the future..

Despite our circumstances, the craving for travel has not passed, if not increased, so we are just waiting for the moment to jump off somewhere. Moreover, it just so happened that traveling (life on a trip) was so much to our taste that we want to go somewhere for a long time, a month is the minimum. And if for a short time, then so that at the behest of the soul or with meaning. I just didn't want to go for the sights, as I didn't want to, I don't want to.


Our life is a pendulum. It has always been this way and this year is no exception. I often catch myself thinking when I am in some place where I was already several years ago, what could I have thought then that I would be here in a completely different capacity: with a different profession, married, with a special child, in a different car and with other aspirations in my head.

Sometimes I envy those people who always understand everything. It is so convenient that you can predict what will happen in ten years, and take certain actions today to achieve the target. We were going to leave for Asia, then from Moscow to the Moscow region, how can we plan something ?! And in other years, it was generally about Canada and Australia, and about the Krasnodar Territory, and about the Oryol Region. Perhaps life shows us that our home is Russia, and it's time to stop rushing about. And it may well be that this is the best option, even if we leave for the winter in the warmth, a house is still needed. Although winter is not in the city, according to the assurances of our friends who already live in the region, it is not so terrible at all, and you can really love it. Pine trees and white snow, sun and blue sky, warm stove and sauna.

This year, we still have a desire to have our own home and create comfort in it. It was there before, but it was not so manifested. Our apartment is still our home, and we have already created comfort in it at one time, but without taking into account the children, and therefore now we want something more: more suitable in terms of geography, area, proximity to nature and like-minded neighbors.

One of the latest cosmetic repairs in the kitchen with your own hands

It turned out very budgetary and quite cozy

It remains to wait for the summer, and then, I hope, finally there will be some clarity about how often you need to visit Moscow, and we will also find out if a piece of land will be vacated next to our friends.

Finance and work

It's funny, but as soon as we found out about our problems with Egor, I got additional income and my blog earnings increased slightly. All this gave us funds for Yegor's current treatment, but nothing more, nothing less. Straight exactly under the calculation, as if someone from above did it on purpose. In general, it is a sin for us to complain about the financial side, for a person doing what he loves, everything is more or less in order with my money (t-t-t). Although, life in Moscow dictates its own rules, and here I have to earn much more than I personally need. If a trip to the doctor can cost 5 thousand rubles, and a monthly course of massage is under 30 thousand, then of course, willy-nilly, you start to wonder whether to do something stupid for the sake of money ...

One of the most difficult things for me was working from home, which I was so striving for in my time. Finding a time when no one is pulling you, and finding a corner where no one will find you, turned out to be quite difficult. There are already enough distractions and the Internet, and then Yegor crawls up and smiles (how not to pick up), or Daria asks to bring or do something, or you need to wash the dishes, or ... So working at home has its drawbacks, especially when a crawling, pestering cute creature appears. Moreover, I cannot leave for the whole day somewhere, because my family needs me, and without me some things will cease to be done. But options are being looked for, from a tight schedule to work on the balcony..

Egor is right there and helps dad to work

Egor is right there and helps dad to work

And Yegor loves to help his mother arrange things.

In general, I estimate this chapter in our life as neutral, without much ups and downs. But considering that thai theme (and for me everything was tied to it) I can't fully study now, then, most likely, it's time to come up with something else that is related to our life here, and not in Thailand.


During this year, few questions have accumulated, and they are all related to why it happened so illogically. Moreover, Daria and I are different. She does not understand why, despite a healthy lifestyle and all her actions, Yegor came so special, while those who drink and smoke have absolutely healthy children. And why did such weak people like us come to such serious trials? Are we really strong and just feel sorry for ourselves, or vice versa, in order to gain strength?

My question is a different question: - why, after 6 years, during which I went to work remotely and left Moscow, at the very moment when earnings, hobby, freedom, understanding how to develop a business were combined together, you need to start all over again, well, or almost at first. Such a strange coincidence ...

I specially wrote these questions here, so that later they neigh through «swell» years when I read it. A blog is a good thing, after a while you return to old posts, read, compare. That is, I mean that you do not need to answer them, the answers will come by themselves, just later.

P.S. What was your 2012 like? They say that leap years are not easy for many, for some even the end of the world happens :)