BMW Museum Munich and Olympic Tower
On the second day, we asked Oliver, the landlord, where we were staying, what to see in Munich, and he advised us to go to Olympic Park and see the BMW Museum, as well as climb the Olympic Tower, which we did. A big plus, when you stay with local residents, they will tell you much better and how best.
By the way, this eminent brand should be pronounced BMV (BMW), and not, as we are used to clumsy, in Russian - Be-uM-Ve. But what's that, the Americans generally pronounce BBM-doubleVi, which makes the Germans laugh. Here you can argue about the pronunciation, but it was the German who told us so, I did not invent it myself.
You can read about our first impressions of Germany here - Munich city
The content of the article
Where to stay in Munich
Munich is a rather expensive city, so you need to look for hotels and book in advance, you can hardly find anything on the spot. Best in advance «take a walk» on the map and estimate where it will be more convenient to live and what the price is. Here are two good hotels to stay, I recommend - Hotel Senator Munchen and Pension Margit. Reviews are good, the location is good, the metro is nearby.
Or, if you are ready to live in an apartment with the owner according to his rules, communicating with him, etc., then couchsurfing to help.
Olympic Park in Munich
Olympic Park (in German Olympiapark) was built back in 1972 for the Olympic Games. It houses: the park itself and a huge lake, the Olympic stadium and sports grounds, the Olympic tower. And next to it there is also a salon, a factory and a BMW museum.
The easiest way to get there is by Munich metero on U3 to Olympia-zentrum station. The Olympic Park is located not far from the city center, so it can be combined with a walk through the old city of Munich.
Olympic Tower and BMW Welt Salon
Olympic Stadium - Olympic stadium
Olympic Park in Munich
BMW Museum in Munich
When leaving the Olympia-zentrum metro station, the first thing you will see is an alien starship who flew in to learn from the experience of the automotive industry. It is the spaceship that resembles the pretentious BMW Welt car dealership, where you can walk around and lick your lips like expensive and good cars, as well as sit inside, imagining yourself as a kind of dashing driver dissecting open spaces «immense» Germany in a convertible.
BMW Welt interior outside
BMW Welt Salon
Feel like a driver of a good car
BMW Welt Salon
Two floors, on which, in addition to cars, all sorts of useless and entertaining things are presented, advertising the brand in one way or another. Although this is not a BMW museum yet, you can spend a lot of time here..
Blue things crawl across the floor and recognize passers-by
BMW Welt Salon
If you need a BMW museum right away, then it is located in the next building across the road, and all the models released earlier are presented there. The entrance is paid and is 12 euros. A couple of exhibits can be seen at the entrance next to the cashier.
BMW Museum from above
The cost of visiting the BMW Museum
BMW Museum - cars at the entrance
Several floors with old cars looking brand new is a car collector's dream. Most impressive are sports cars.
BMW Museum in Munich
BMW Museum in Munich
More interesting for lovers of the automotive industry may be an excursion to the BMW plant, which takes place several times a day (10 times, probably), and a couple of times of them in English. Better to book in advance, especially if you want to get on an English speaking guide.
Olympic tower
The next target was a tall television tower - Olympic Tower (in German - Olympiaturm) with an overlooking view of the entire city. Entrance to the attraction costs 4.5 euros. I really liked the ascent on the elevator - it puts the ears, and inside something and somewhere falls.
Olympic tower
Olympic tower
Take an elevator to heaven
Olympic Tower characteristics
We, of course, «lucky» with the weather - it was cloudy and it was raining, so we ran out into the open area, took pictures and ran back so as not to get our cameras wet. There is also a covered observation deck inside. The names of the sights of Munich are printed on the glasses, which are greasy from the foreheads of tourists..
Munich landmarks names on glass
Covered observation deck
Munich city from above
Munich city from above
Munich city from above
Munich city from above
In the central part of the tower there are several jukeboxes with records and posters of celebrities who have visited either the city of Munich or the tower are hung. The machines, by the way, work! We listened to a Michael Jackson song.
Elton John's piano