We went to Olympos (Turkey), but ended up in Cirali. Part 4
The next item on our program was the ruins of the ancient port city of Olympos (Turkey). In the past, he represented himself as a rather famous port city, in which pirates constantly hung out and kept half the coast in fear, despite the efforts of the authorities.
This glorious city is located 25 km from Kemer, and it is not on any map, but a guide «Around the world» explains where he is so confused that I began to suspect myself of topographic cretinism. However, we were lucky and we got lost, turning off the road on the wrong road, which was indicated by the guide, and as a result we ended up on a beautiful beach in a village called Cirali (? Iral?).
If I go on a beach vacation to Turkey, then Cirali is my choice - a wide coastal strip, clear water, and almost no people. The tent can be pitched here too, I think. There is practically no that civilized rest, to which the majority are accustomed. A kind of paradise for a quiet and family vacation - private houses, at least cafes.
Cirali. Turkey.
Cirali. Turkey.
As it turned out, Olympos is also near us. We just got to him from the other side - from a more correct one. I will explain for those who go there on their own. The city of Olympos is located along the channel of the Ulupinar River, which flows into the sea, and can be reached both from the side of the sea beach and from the side of the mountains. From the main road there are two turns to the left, if you go from Kemer: the first - to the beaches of Olympos and Cirali (C? Ral?), And the second a little further - to Olympos and Cavuskoy. So the first one really leads to the beaches, and from about 500 meters to the ancient city of Olympus along the coast (our option), and the second one leads to the parking lot and the official entrance to the territory of the ruins. More details here + maps: Olympos Turkey how to get.
Olympos beaches. Cirali. Turkey.
The mouth of the Ulupinar river. Olympos on the mountain.
Another clarification: the city of Olympos is located on both banks of the Ulupinar River, and the right bank is completely free to visit, although everything is overgrown with vines there, but there are paths.
Olympos city on the right bank of the Ulupinar River.
Olympos city on the right bank of the Ulupinar River.
From the right bank you can get to the left, in places where the river has dried up, and where the tax collectors' booths are no longer visible. We did so.
Olympos city on the left bank of the Ulupinar River.
Olympos city on the left bank of the Ulupinar River.
On the shore, where the Ulupinar river flows into the sea, there is a dilapidated fortress, with a beautiful view of the bay. The question remained dumb, why people left this city, so well located. Why modern settlements did not grow on its basis ...
Fortress in the bay of Olympos.
Near the fortress and the city of Olympus.
View from the fortress to the sea.
Cirala coast. Olympos beaches.
Strange tree in the ruins of the fortress.
Near the ruins of Olympos there are mini hotels in a rustic style - wooden houses, as well as huts on stilts. But Russians with such flavor are difficult to get through, every second has the same barn in his native village.
Hotels with a rustic flavor.
Near the city of Olympus is Mount Chimaera. It is necessary to go to it from Cirali, that is, go, turning at the first turn to the beaches of Olympos. It is notable for the fact that natural gas escapes from the depths of the mountain, which spontaneously ignites. The whole mountain is in such eternal fires. It is advised to go there at night so that you can see better, you do not need to take a burner for cooking with you.
On the way back, our first hitchhiking took place and took us directly to the hotel. How do you like this hospitality? The funniest thing is that we went with the Turks, and listened to Russian music in the car. How it happens!
The road to the ruins of the city of Olympus.
All parts of the story about our independent trip to Turkey:
Route - Kemer - Antalya - Demre (Worlds) - Olympus and Cirali. - Side - Lake Beysehir - Cappadocia - Goreme - Ankara - Adapazarı - Karasu - Istanbul